The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Goodaru Health Habits and Poopy-Free Supermarketarus For Everypeoples Everywhere:
Dear tarutarus and taller peoples who visitaru supermarketarus with puppy doggies of all differentaru shapey-wapeys and sizies.
Please remember thataru having a puppy doggy is notaru a righty-wighty. Itaru is a privilegey-wigely, andaru a responsibilitaruy. Also, if the doggy is notaru trained to go to the potty-wotty correctaruly, you should NOTARU bringy-wingy the doggy to supermarketaru.
The supermarketaru is where tarutarus and taller peoples go to buy foods for eataruing. Itaru is NOTARU HYGENIC for you to letaru untrained doggies to go poopies or peepees insidaru the supermarketaru.
Doggy poopies have badaru e.coli, andaru that is VERY-WERY BADARU to be near foods for eataruing. It can makey-wakey tarutarus and taller peoples sicky-wicky in the stomach, andaru that is notaru very-wery fun.
Also, no tarutaru or taller peoples wantarus to step into a pile of green doggy poopies on the slippery floors insidaru the supermarketaru, where tarutarus and taller peoples go to buy foods for eataruing. A tarutaru or taller peoples mightaru slippy-wippy, andaru fall down intaru the doggy poopies.
Thataru would be very-wery unpleasantaru.
So please remembers - doggies that don'taru know how to go potty correctaru should notaru be taken-waken to the supermarketaru where tarutarus and taller peoples go to buy foods for eataruing. Thank you.
This concludarus this Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Goodaru Health Habits and Poopy-Free Supermarketarus For Everypeoples Everywhere. We now returny-werny you to your normaru bloggy-woggy viewings.
A collection of occasional events and random thoughts, recorded at irregular intervals.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kill Me Now
So I decided that I wanted to make myself some ramen this weekend. Got the package out of the innermost recesses of the pantry and got a pot boiling. Got the noodles cooking, then got out some veggies, chopped them up, and sauteed them with a bit of pepper, a dash of garlic, and a splash of soy sauce for flavor.
Noodles were done, so I strained them in the sink (yay for the new "hangs over the sink" strainer). While the water was draining, I filled the now-empty pot with water and set it over the stove to prepare the soup.
I hit the noodles with some cold water, to stop them from overcooking, then kind of used a tossing motion to get rid of the excess water once they were cool. Divided the noodles into 2 portions (I can't eat all that in one sitting). Divided the sauteed noodles into 2 portions as well, and topped one serving of noodles with the veggies. Got some leftover steak from the night before, sliced it thinly, and added it to the mix.
By then the water was starting to bubble, so got the soup base packet and emptied it into the pot. For this particular brand, there is also a liquid soup base packet, so opened that to add it also.
And then, noticed something strange. There in the liquid portion, there was a hard, non-yielding mass of something. I didn't know exactly what it was, so kind of held it in one upper corner. I took it to the sink and eased it out of the package to look at.
It was a piece of glass.
I dumped the soup. The noodles seemed safe, as I checked them over, I didn't see anything in them at all. I know the veggies and such were safe, so didn't worry about them. Still, kinda lost my appetite.
Noodles were done, so I strained them in the sink (yay for the new "hangs over the sink" strainer). While the water was draining, I filled the now-empty pot with water and set it over the stove to prepare the soup.
I hit the noodles with some cold water, to stop them from overcooking, then kind of used a tossing motion to get rid of the excess water once they were cool. Divided the noodles into 2 portions (I can't eat all that in one sitting). Divided the sauteed noodles into 2 portions as well, and topped one serving of noodles with the veggies. Got some leftover steak from the night before, sliced it thinly, and added it to the mix.
By then the water was starting to bubble, so got the soup base packet and emptied it into the pot. For this particular brand, there is also a liquid soup base packet, so opened that to add it also.
And then, noticed something strange. There in the liquid portion, there was a hard, non-yielding mass of something. I didn't know exactly what it was, so kind of held it in one upper corner. I took it to the sink and eased it out of the package to look at.
It was a piece of glass.
I dumped the soup. The noodles seemed safe, as I checked them over, I didn't see anything in them at all. I know the veggies and such were safe, so didn't worry about them. Still, kinda lost my appetite.
Friday, March 07, 2008
The Following is ANOTHER Public Service Announcementaru...
The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Office Spaces for Everypeoples Everyplaces:
To Everypeoples in Any-Office Everywheres.
Here are justaru a few helpful suggesty-westy-ions for how to use the magical heat-up-the-foods box.
1.) Please remember to putaru the covers over-wover your foods, justaru in casey-wasey you forgetaru and heat up your foods for too longy-wongy and makes the foods assploded all over.
Don'taru have a cover? Use a paper towel.
2.) If you DO forgetarus, and makey-wakey a mess of assploded foods, please clean itaru all up. Don'taru be a messy-wessy taru!
3.) If you DON'Taru want to clean up the mess, DON'TARU MAKEY-WAKEY THE MESS IN THE FIRSTY-WURSTY PLACE!
This has been a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Office Spaces for Everypeoples Everyplaces. We return you now to your regular blog viewing.
To Everypeoples in Any-Office Everywheres.
Here are justaru a few helpful suggesty-westy-ions for how to use the magical heat-up-the-foods box.
1.) Please remember to putaru the covers over-wover your foods, justaru in casey-wasey you forgetaru and heat up your foods for too longy-wongy and makes the foods assploded all over.
Don'taru have a cover? Use a paper towel.
2.) If you DO forgetarus, and makey-wakey a mess of assploded foods, please clean itaru all up. Don'taru be a messy-wessy taru!
3.) If you DON'Taru want to clean up the mess, DON'TARU MAKEY-WAKEY THE MESS IN THE FIRSTY-WURSTY PLACE!
This has been a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Office Spaces for Everypeoples Everyplaces. We return you now to your regular blog viewing.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru...
The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Water Closetarus for Everypeoples Everyplaces:
When a tarutaru or bigger peoples (even long-eared dhalmels) go to the water closetaru (also knowny as "the bathroom" or "the john" or "the can" or "the toilet" or "the head" or "the potty"), aftaru the peoples finish their businessy (either poopies or peepees which ever the peoples wentaru into the water closetaru to takey-wakey care of), the peoples should ALWAY makey sure to flushy-wushy the tolietaru aftaruwards.
'Cause no taru wants to findaru what you didy-widdy aftaruwards.
Tarutarus and bigger peoples everywheres thankee everypeoples outaru there for this littaru considaruation.
This concludes this public service announcementaru - we will now returny-wurney you to your normaru blogging viewing.
When a tarutaru or bigger peoples (even long-eared dhalmels) go to the water closetaru (also knowny as "the bathroom" or "the john" or "the can" or "the toilet" or "the head" or "the potty"), aftaru the peoples finish their businessy (either poopies or peepees which ever the peoples wentaru into the water closetaru to takey-wakey care of), the peoples should ALWAY makey sure to flushy-wushy the tolietaru aftaruwards.
'Cause no taru wants to findaru what you didy-widdy aftaruwards.
Tarutarus and bigger peoples everywheres thankee everypeoples outaru there for this littaru considaruation.
This concludes this public service announcementaru - we will now returny-wurney you to your normaru blogging viewing.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Battle Cry
Of late, there's a song that keeps playing over and over in my head. It started with just the music itself, but now it's the words as well. Over and over, like some kind of subconscious battle cry, echoing over and over inside me.
The first time I heard it was over the holidays, visiting family. My younger cousins brought their PS2 over, with the rather addicting rhythm game known as "Guitar Hero III" - which they insisted I try out. They were very insistent about it, and one cousin even presented the controller (shaped like a guitar) to me on bended knee, arms outstretched and head bowed.
Of course I had to try at that point. I mean, how could a fantasy-loving gamer such as myself resist such a powerful entreaty?
After much fumbling (accompanied by laughter and encouragement), I started to kind of get the hang of it. Still, there were other cousins about, and I relinquished the controller to others for their turns.
That's the first time I heard the song, as the cousins (and my brother) battled it out good naturedly, plastic guitar-controllers in hand and swaying to the music.
I don't know exactly what it is about the song. The refrain echoes in my mind, over and over and over. Resonating in my soul.
The band - Rise Against. The song - Prayer of the Refugee.
...and I can play it at Hard setting, and hit 94% now. Oh my poor blistered fingers and cramping hand.
The first time I heard it was over the holidays, visiting family. My younger cousins brought their PS2 over, with the rather addicting rhythm game known as "Guitar Hero III" - which they insisted I try out. They were very insistent about it, and one cousin even presented the controller (shaped like a guitar) to me on bended knee, arms outstretched and head bowed.
Of course I had to try at that point. I mean, how could a fantasy-loving gamer such as myself resist such a powerful entreaty?
After much fumbling (accompanied by laughter and encouragement), I started to kind of get the hang of it. Still, there were other cousins about, and I relinquished the controller to others for their turns.
That's the first time I heard the song, as the cousins (and my brother) battled it out good naturedly, plastic guitar-controllers in hand and swaying to the music.
I don't know exactly what it is about the song. The refrain echoes in my mind, over and over and over. Resonating in my soul.
The band - Rise Against. The song - Prayer of the Refugee.
...and I can play it at Hard setting, and hit 94% now. Oh my poor blistered fingers and cramping hand.
Monday, January 14, 2008 o_0;;;
There's a commercial that's been playing on the radio out here. To summarize it, there's a pleasant-sounding lady commenting on how her husband has expressed doubts about whether or not he is the father of her daughter.
...and how a new genetic testing service can show the truth.
Okay, reality check here.
1.) I have a problem believing that any woman who's husband expressed doubt about the parentage of their child is going to take the whole thing pleasantly. I mean, come on, seriously!
2.) Any woman who doesn't take what is basically an accusation of promiscuity as an insult must be guilty of said crime. (Although even so, I can't see anyone taking such an accusation without a lot of angry and vocal protestations going on, guilty or no...)
The scenario is just so utterly ridiculous to me - every time I hear it, I roll my eyes and switch the station, or even turn the radio off.
...of course, I suppose a realistic scenario would probably not be the best way of marketing the service... might be more entertaining though.
I must say this though - it DOES stick in your mind. Annoyingly.
...and how a new genetic testing service can show the truth.
Okay, reality check here.
1.) I have a problem believing that any woman who's husband expressed doubt about the parentage of their child is going to take the whole thing pleasantly. I mean, come on, seriously!
2.) Any woman who doesn't take what is basically an accusation of promiscuity as an insult must be guilty of said crime. (Although even so, I can't see anyone taking such an accusation without a lot of angry and vocal protestations going on, guilty or no...)
The scenario is just so utterly ridiculous to me - every time I hear it, I roll my eyes and switch the station, or even turn the radio off.
...of course, I suppose a realistic scenario would probably not be the best way of marketing the service... might be more entertaining though.
I must say this though - it DOES stick in your mind. Annoyingly.