Friday, March 07, 2008

The Following is ANOTHER Public Service Announcementaru...

The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Office Spaces for Everypeoples Everyplaces:

To Everypeoples in Any-Office Everywheres.

Here are justaru a few helpful suggesty-westy-ions for how to use the magical heat-up-the-foods box.

1.) Please remember to putaru the covers over-wover your foods, justaru in casey-wasey you forgetaru and heat up your foods for too longy-wongy and makes the foods assploded all over.

Don'taru have a cover? Use a paper towel.

2.) If you DO forgetarus, and makey-wakey a mess of assploded foods, please clean itaru all up. Don'taru be a messy-wessy taru!

3.) If you DON'Taru want to clean up the mess, DON'TARU MAKEY-WAKEY THE MESS IN THE FIRSTY-WURSTY PLACE!

This has been
a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Office Spaces for Everypeoples Everyplaces. We return you now to your regular blog viewing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHAHAH I should print that up and post it to my dept.'s micro. :D