Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru...

The Following is a Public Service Announcementaru, broughtaru to you by the Windurst Coalition for Cleany-weany Water Closetarus for Everypeoples Everyplaces:


When a tarutaru or bigger peoples (even long-eared dhalmels) go to the water closetaru (also knowny as "the bathroom" or "the john" or "the can" or "the toilet" or "the head" or "the potty"), aftaru the peoples finish their businessy (either poopies or peepees which ever the peoples wentaru into the water closetaru to takey-wakey care of), the peoples should ALWAY makey sure to flushy-wushy the tolietaru aftaruwards.

'Cause no taru wants to findaru what you didy-widdy aftaruwards.

Tarutarus and bigger peoples everywheres thankee everypeoples outaru there for this littaru considaruation.

This concludes this public service announcementaru - we will now returny-wurney you to your normaru blogging viewing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I counter your asian man with a dwarf.

You gotta admit, it's not entirely unrelated to the bane of the tarus.
