Monday, January 14, 2008 o_0;;;

There's a commercial that's been playing on the radio out here. To summarize it, there's a pleasant-sounding lady commenting on how her husband has expressed doubts about whether or not he is the father of her daughter.

...and how a new genetic testing service can show the truth.

Okay, reality check here.

1.) I have a problem believing that any woman who's husband expressed doubt about the parentage of their child is going to take the whole thing pleasantly. I mean, come on, seriously!

2.) Any woman who doesn't take what is basically an accusation of promiscuity as an insult must be guilty of said crime. (Although even so, I can't see anyone taking such an accusation without a lot of angry and vocal protestations going on, guilty or no...)

The scenario is just so utterly ridiculous to me - every time I hear it, I roll my eyes and switch the station, or even turn the radio off.

...of course, I suppose a realistic scenario would probably not be the best way of marketing the service... might be more entertaining though.

I must say this though - it DOES stick in your mind. Annoyingly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same thoughts during the wait to see who Anna Nicole's baby hailed from. "Oooohh, one of you guys is gonna get SO faced." Nobody said it at the time, but how many people was she sleeping with at that time?? 'Course, then she died, and it became rude or whatever to say that she was sleeping with more men than the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleaders.
