Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Tired of coughing. Is all I do lately. Contemplating going in and just manually removing the lungs so it stops trying to crawl up my esophogus.

Granted, it hasn't gotten so bad that my entire body clenches up with each cough, nor has my throat worked itself into a consistency slightly resembling ground meat. And my stomach is not experiencing sore muscle cramps from the excessive exercise of trying to aid in the escape of my lungs from their proper place in encased in my ribcage.


But I sure am damn tired of it.

Yeah, I know. Go to the doctor. Too worried about being able to afford that right now. Not sure how much everything is going to cost. Dentist. Doctor. Eye doctor eventually. Meds. Possible tooth extraction and reconstructive surgery.

And it's slow at work. Too slow. Scarily slow. As in might-let-more-people-go slow. As in omg-what-am-I-gonna-do-now slow. As in possibly-time-to-go-home-as-a-failure slow. Next to that, self-inflicted lung removal seems like a pleasant afternoon do-it-yourself project.


Can't die yet, though. Gotta pay back the mom. Maybe later I'll have time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. What she said.

2. What she said.

3. See above.

4. The most depressing person in the galaxy called. He said to stop making him look bad.