Thursday, March 17, 2005

MORE Funny Fortune Cookie Fortunes

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
...I dunno about that... I'm pretty sure you need a willing body sometimes, too...

You will find happiness in mind and heart.
...what about in the checkbook?

You will have an important new business development shaping up soon.
...ahh, there's what will make the checkbook happy.

You will spend many years in comfort and material wealth.
...can I change the schedule on that, please? I think I'd like it to happen sooner...

Your ability for accomplishment will follow with success.
...what about my ability to slack - what reward will that net me?

You will hear pleasant news soon.
*runs to to check her account* ...darn... not yet I didn't...

Today is a perfect day to give that special person a gift.
...ummm... problem here... unless the next one is supposed to take care of that... >_>

You will meet a tall, handsome stranger online.
*laughs hysterically*

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