Friday, November 03, 2006

Another Handful of Random Thoughts

Umbrellas. Useful little (or in some cases not-so-little) devices, generally designed to keep rain offa yous head. However, their handy light-weight folding (for convenience purposes) and water-shedding (for practicality purposes) design have one fatal flaw: a vulnerability to a strong gust of wind.


Instant mass of mangled aluminum and torn cloth onna stick. Woo. Always fun to deal with when the rain is pouring down on you and the wind is blowing every-which way.

So, how to deal with this problem? Well, someone came up with a revolutionary idea: let's make inversion-resistant umbrellas! With cunningly designed vents that will allow the wind to blow through the umbrellla, thereby increasing its ability to resist the subversive forces of the inversion-inducing winds!

...wait... vents?

...umm... doesn't that essentially mean you're putting holes in
the umbrella?

...anyone else think gnomes might have been behind this idea?

No wait, I take that back - if it were a gnomish innovation, it probably would have involved a lot more gadgetry. And might accidentally turn you short with a nice creamy avocado complexion.


Ya know when you're tired all day, and finally get home, and lay down to get a bit of sleep, and end up laying there for an hour unable to fall asleep for some odd reason? And then, when you finally do fall asleep, seems like the next minute the alarm is going off, and you gotta haul your sleepy buttaru outta bed to start the process all over again? An unrelenting, merciless cycle of exhaustion, insomnia, and weariness that goes on and on, seemingly without end?


I miss dreaming.

The Wii is already sold out. It's not even out yet, and it's sold out. Which considering everything is probably a good thing, as it prevents me from plopping down $200+ bucks on the system in a geeky rush of excitement and glee. Oh, and more on the game, of course. Shadow Princess. Mm... Linky goodness.

...I'm such a dork sometimes...


Dear Staff:

Please do not poopy on the floor in the bathroom. Espeically please don't poopy on the floor in the bathroom, step in it, then walk out, leaving a trail of poopy footprints behind you. Poopies belong in the toilet, not on the office floor.

Thank you very much.

A couple weekends ago I bought some stamps to mail stuff. Including some of the 2-cent stamps, as I have a lot of those pesky old stamps that the federal government decided to make no longer sufficient funds for the purpose of mailing things.

I just discovered today that I accidentally through them out with last week's trash.

Excuse me while I club myself over the head.

1 comment:

Talathar said...

Oh yeah, and yesterday? I bought new room lamps to help light up my apartment (still feels weird to say that...), and assembled them up. They look nice and everything. One problem:

I forgot to get light bulbs.

