Sunday, February 05, 2006

Random Question

Random question of the day: if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Random answer: blueberry coffee

(...yeah, try to make sense outta that if you can. :P )


Anonymous said...

Happy-wappy Belataru-ed Birthday. ^_^

Anonymous said...

So do you put cream in your blueberry coffee, or, like, half and half?

Talathar said...

One does not waste cream or even half and half upon the abomination that is blueberry coffee. One merely dumps said abomination out, purchases a new coffee pot (there can be no redeeming a pot which once held within it the abomination), and within the unsullied new pot a fresh pot of un-abominated coffee goodness.

*nod nod*

Anonymous said...

Yes, but what of the electrical socket which powered the device which created the abomination? Or the wiring in the structure which housed the electrical socket? Or the structure which housed the wiring??

Are they not all tainted???