Thursday, March 24, 2005


Well, okay, technically it's only Thursday, but for me it's Friday, 'cause I don't have to be here in this LIGHT-FORSAKEN place tomorrow, it's a Friday. As if that weren't enough of a thing to celebrate, the boss-lady brought in little Easter-basket treat for us.

And... the marshmallow peeps... *shudders*

Already a small handful have lost their marshmallowy and sugary lives at the hands of my nefarious co-worker, who gleefully bit off their ears, ignoring their heart-wrenching screams as they struggled in his steely grasp.

Their screams shall haunt me for the rest of my days...

*sneaks a marshmallow peep while no one is looking*

Hmm? Umm, noo, of course that wasn't just a peep I popped into my mouth. I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm sure. I, um, I only eat chocolate bunnies, and jellybeans, and things - no little tender sugary morsels of marshmallowy goodness clad in a myriad of bright cheerful colors... umm... that is... No, I didn't eat a peep. It must have just been your imagination. Yeah, your imagination. The mind playing tricks on you.



*sneaks another marshmallow peep*

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Grandma Update

Grandma is okay, and will be home tonight. They spent the whole day practically in the waiting room at the Emergency.

...geez... talk about fast service... oh well, so long as she's okay.


My grandma has come down with a bad cold. Mom went to check on her this morning, and she's coughing so badly that her back is hurting, and she can't sleep.

Grandma had just recently (finally!) given up smoking. Her breathing was getting better, and she started feeling stronger. But this could is taking a lot out of her, it seems.

Mom took her to the hospital today. I'm waiting on news, puttering around and trying not to worry. I'd go, but my mom and aunt are already there, and this way if we have to go there I can pick up grandpa and drive him there too.

Trying not to worry, but am worried anyway. To the point that I'm carrying the cell phone everywhere with me, just in case Mom calls.

Heh... yeah... me, not worry. Excuse me while I go pour myself a glass of instant ulcer...

On Language...

Lately on some of the gaming "board communities," I've been seeing a disturbing trend of thought. It seems that many people believe that language is not important. And that "words can only mean something if you let it."

I don't buy it.

Language is communication. Language is the only way we as human beings can convey thoughts from one person to another. Ever try visualizing a sunset without using words? Try. The average person will most likely find words involuntarily drifting through their minds - words like "sun" and "horizon" and "clouds" and "light" and "dimming" and "orange" and "fire" ...

For humans, words and thoughts are linked. From birth, we as a species are practically hard-wired for language. Have you ever had the opportunity to observe a child, as they start the process of converting random baby-noises into language? First into words, then into sentences? It's absolutely amazing - and often under-appreciated.

Words have power, because words are the basis of language. The words you choose have power, in that they color the ideas and thoughts you're trying to convey to others. The word is the symbol, the representation of an object, a thought, an idea...

Think all this is just meaningless blather? Fine, that's your opinion - one that I personally don't agree with. And, considering how much writers, copywriters, editors, political campaigners, and advertisers make for subtly twisting words to convince people to buy this, not vote for that, watch this and protest that, I think lots of other people in this world agree that words do have power.

...but then, I'm a writer. Of course I believe in the power of language. ^_~

Thursday, March 17, 2005

MORE Funny Fortune Cookie Fortunes

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
...I dunno about that... I'm pretty sure you need a willing body sometimes, too...

You will find happiness in mind and heart.
...what about in the checkbook?

You will have an important new business development shaping up soon.
...ahh, there's what will make the checkbook happy.

You will spend many years in comfort and material wealth.
...can I change the schedule on that, please? I think I'd like it to happen sooner...

Your ability for accomplishment will follow with success.
...what about my ability to slack - what reward will that net me?

You will hear pleasant news soon.
*runs to to check her account* ...darn... not yet I didn't...

Today is a perfect day to give that special person a gift.
...ummm... problem here... unless the next one is supposed to take care of that... >_>

You will meet a tall, handsome stranger online.
*laughs hysterically*