Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Yay! Got Branny's Blacksmithing to 200! Woo!

...now if only I had the 5 golds to attain artisan rank as an armorsmith...




Besides that, my head hurts and I'm all congested with icky-sticky snottiness. And I suspect there is badness afoot... somewhere... seeking to stompy-wompy littaru tarutarus with the clompy-stompy feetsies of doom...


Monday, January 24, 2005

A little WoW rant...

Some people in this world want everything, and they want it their way.

Last night in "World of Warcraft," I was wandering around in the Arathi Highlands in search of elusive iron. Branny's metalcraft (aka blacksmithing skill) is almost to 200 now, but is just a wee bit short of the mark. At the same time, I was engaging raptors and spiders for that small tiny bit of XP I needed to get to 38.

After a while, I took Branny to the Drywhisker Gourge. The kobolds there are still a good challenge, AND there's mithril in that cave sometimes (along with the iron). Not to mention the nice sellable shinies the kobolds drop.

Now, seeing as the cave IS after all a quest cave, I wasn't all that suprised to see others there already. No problem, there's enough to share, I figured. I'm a polite sort, not one to let others clear the way to a ore vein for me so I can snag it. Heck, I'm one who usually will share a vein, if given half the chance.

I carefully made my way through the caverns, taking on the kobolds and seeking out iron on my radar. A couple times I noticed the iron pop, and made my way over, but saw others engaged with kobolds already nearby, so with a shrug I passed on by to fight some more kobolds. A little frustrating, but no problem. These folks have just as much right to the iron as I do.
I even took the time to cast a few blessings (buffs) on the other players.

I went around and around, and each time was not the first one to spot the ore, so I passed it by. Finally, there was a dwarf (the same dwarf I had politely passed by several times already) who was engaged with a kobold, a few steps from an iron vein. A little past the iron, I also saw a chest.

Now, the dwarf finished with the kobold, and took off straight for the iron ore, mining it without a word to me. Fine and dandy, I thought to myself. You get the iron, I get the chest.

Sounds fair, right?




I guess not.

As I was clearing out the chest, the dwarf had just finished off his mining and ran in my direction. He looked at me clearing out HIS chest, shook his head and SIGHED in disgust, then ran off without saying a word.




...greedy bastard.

Oh well. It made me a tad grumpy, but I still persisted in my efforts, and did manage to get myself to level 38 before logging out for the night. But
no more free buffs for THAT dwarf. On my list he is, and he'll stay there for a bit... or longer. We'll see.

Yeah, yeah - I know it's petty and vindictive. I have my moments. *shrug*

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Glum Thoughts

Yesterday was grandma's birthday. Went with mom to take her some flowers and visit for a while.

Grandma's not looking too good. She's really looking frail and tired, and she's getting weaker and weaker. Dad says he isn't sure she's going to last out the year.


Grandpa is also not as spry as he used to be. His leg bothers him, and he hardly goes out for walks anymore. Even though he's supposed to, to help the circulation in his leg.

My dad's mother is also getting more frail and weaker as time goes by. She's older, but also lived a much healthier lifestyle than my mom's mom.

More sadness...

Mortality is going to steal these people away from me soon. There's nothing I can do to stop it. Just even briefly thinking about it leaves me filled with a melancholy aching. The painful reality looms in the not-so-distant future.

But for now, I'll do my best to ignore it, and take my grandmothers flowers when I can.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Fortune Cookie Say...

time for a little levity...

Fortune Cookie say:
Frowns drive people away.

Note to self: frown more.

Fortune Cookie say:
Rely on long time friends to give you advice.

But... what if their advice really sucks? or they are really dumb?

Fortune Cookie say:
Rainy days lead to greener grass.

So does manure. Still stinks.

Fortune Cookie say:
Work diligently in life, and you will be rewarded.

- "in bed?"

Fortune Cookie say:
Time is best when well spent, not wasted.

What about if you spend your time well wasted...?

Hmm... I'm off for a cup of green tea now, to ingest while I contemplate these little seeds of paper wisdom contained with crispy sweet cookieness...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Interesting today - around 4:30ish this afternoon, the power at work went out. Amid the numerous cheers of jubilation and glee, several of our employees noticed that it wasn't just our building - it was the entire block. Maybe the entire grid (although we couldn't confirm this, since they don't unchain us from our desks until five minutes before five, after which they chase us out with cattle prods...).

Oh well, we weren't complaining. According to some folks in the neighborhood, the power going out in that area of town after some raininess isn't that unusual, after all.

But then, as we sat around chatting and looking wistfully out the window, wondering if the powers that be would deign to release us a few minutes early from our confinement, someone noticed something...

"Hey, isn't that a police officer out there? Why is he skulking around with his hand on his holster...?"

...hmm...? wha...? umm... not a good sign, maybe...?

As we gathered by the window (yes, yes, I know, not a smart move on our parts. Hey, what can I say - it's the environment), suddenly there was an announement over the bull-horn (or "emergency public announcement system" as it's technically known...) -

"Attention everyone, please evacuate the building."

... umm... okay... now that's just a little scary...

Thus, at a quarter til 5, we all quickly gathered our things and departed the building and headed out to the parking lot. There we mulled about anxiously, wondering if NOW the powers that be would deign to let us go home. It only made sense, after all... but... who knows...

So we waited for official word. A few employees were saying it was okay to leave, but a few of us, jaded by experience, waited for "official" word, so as to not once again be burned by the cruel hand of official meany-head-ness.

And then, as the clouds began to gather, and the skies began to darken, came the official word from the very mouthpiece of the official officialness -


Ah, how quickly we all scurried to our cars, to happily depart, to joyfully escape for a few short hours. To spend time at home, with family or friends, free from the ceaseless mind-numbing toil (or incessant boredom) ... for a short time, at least. A short time...


But really, I wonder what that was all about. The other buildings along the block were also evacuated. Was the power cut for some reason - not as in accidentally, but purposefully? Strange... I'll have to keep an eye out on the news tonight...