Wednesday, January 25, 2006


A national talent agency contacted me this week. They saw my resume posted online, and e-mailed me. I e-mailed them back, telling them I’d be interested (and happy!) to discuss things with them… and someone called me back (...sadly I wasn’t near the phone, and didn’t notice the message blinking until after 7pm...dammit... >_<).

And now, suddenly, I’m utterly terrified.

What if my skills aren’t good enough? What if they think I’m a total loser? What if my samples suck, and don’t look professional, and aren’t even worth the paper they’re printed on? What if I can’t be coherent on the phone, and make myself look like a total idiot?

What the heck is wrong with me?

I mean, I know I’m a hard worker. I’m dedicated, and determined when I put my mind to it. I’m organized and thorough about my work, and I enjoy being able to put my creativity to work everyday. I’m always willing to go the extra mile to make sure things are done correctly, neatly, and on time.

So why the hell am I so scared?


Anonymous said...

I would like to say it's the prospect of interviewing for a new job. Just the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

You know you have the enticing skills that would attract the potential employer... you also know they are interested in you. Just chalk up your feelings to the butterflies and evict them. :)

Good luck and I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

Problems come in 2 forms: Those I can do something about and those I can't.

Those I can't do anything about? If there's nothing I can do, what's to worry about. And those I can? If I can, then I assume I am, in which case, problem solved.

In either event, worry in minimized and contentment rules. The knight makes chowmein of the dragon, and peace returns to the land. Then all is happy time and roast beef for dinner.


Talathar said...

*grins a rueful taru grin*

Thankees. I do have a tendency to worry overmuch - it's second nature to me, sadly. I've been told to "lrn2rlax" before this. Thing is, I can relax fine. It's the worrying I can't stop.

I'll try, though.

Sadly I was notified today that I didn't fit the needs of their client base, and thus they wish me the best of luck. Ah well. There's always tomorrow.