Friday, October 01, 2004

Ever Wonder...

Ever wonder how things would be affected by your absence? Not as in, if you had never been born, but as in if you were gone from people's lives?

(Hey, no hitting. Yes, I know it's a little morbid. No, this ain't no preliminary bye-bye note or anything stupid. No worries. Just my imagination working through a little bout of depression, tryin not ta be wallowin in th' self-pity overmuch, an' all that. I'm okay. Really. I mean it. No hitting. *shakes finger in a stern manner*)

I was thinking about that the other day. Here are my thoughts on that

At work, I think for the most part nothing will change for them. It'll be just like when people leave for a better job (or a "better place," as we sometimes affectionately call it). Some stuff would be difficult to find, and it would be my fault. And anything that went wrong with any of the projects I was involved in would be instantly blamed on me

A few people would be kinda sad. Some would be sad on a personal level, while others would just be sad because I wasn't there for them to make do things. Or try to make miserable. And some wouldn't even notice I was gone...

"Hey, I haven't seen her around the office for a few weeks, is she on vacation or something…?"

"Umm…dude, she's gone."
"Wow, really? That's cool. So, like, where's she working now?"

For my friends (some of whom may be yelling at me as I type), I'd like to think they'd be a bit more affected on a personal level. At least, once they were to find out. Sadly, I'm not the best at keeping in touch with folks, and weeks or even months can go by sometimes without me talking to them.

(Hence, one of the reasons for this blog. You folks reading out there? I hope so. Sometimes I worry that my lack of contact might make you folks think I don't care about ya's or something, which isn't the case - I'm just a little lazy, and need some prodding from time to time. Sometimes the prodding should be done with a 2 x 4 to the noggin. Yes I can be extremely dense sometimes. I'm sowwy I'm such a horrible friend. Here, have a 2 x 4. I'll go put on a cap with a big, red bull's eye on it. Okay, this aside is done now.)

My family would be the most severely affected. The cat especially - he doesn't even like it when I come home late. Me not coming home at all, ever - that might be too traumatic for the little furball to handle. He might need kitty therapy or something. And that can be costly.

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