Tuesday, September 28, 2004



Why, in an office building with no elevator to the second floor, and no conceivable way for someone in a wheelchair to get upstairs, is there a handicapped stall in the women's restroom?

Why, in a world of supposedly grown-up adults, do people run around gleefully doing petty, childish, hurtful things to each other?

Why are there mean people in the world, anyway?

Why can't people understand that everything they do in life has an effect on those around them, whether it's taking a co-worker for granted or not flushing the toilet?

Why don't people wash their hands after using the toilet? (That always grosses me out, that they don't...eeww...)

Why can't someone come up with a self-cleaning catbox?

Oh wait...someone did do that last one. Nevermind. ^^;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mean people suck, but I think it's mostly out of stupidity. <_<

...And yes, I'm so bored at work that I'm reading your blog... I need a hobby or something. @_@