Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Still Hate the Lost Woods.

The music plays on and on... and on... incessant cheery piping, droning on and on. Accentuated occasionally by the intermittent chirping. Underscored by the occasional grunt of pain. Accompanied by the steely slash of metal cleaving air.

And occasionally something a bit more resistant.

But the music. Haunting, cheery, over and over and over... as you wander to and fro, seeking escape, seeking silence. Seeking the elusive and diminutive skull-masked figure giggling in the shadows, while dodging his summoned puppet minions.

I hate the Lost Woods. Almost as much as I hate underwater dungeons. But that's a whole different rant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, you're going to have to suck it up and ram through to get to the rest of what is being called by some the greatest game created by mortal humankind. Don't forget to burn the trees! And don't forget to mail it to me when you're done!
