Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Back online! (woo hoo!)

Okay, so with some help from tech support and my brother, we found out what was wrong, and it has been since fixed. Thus, once again the black-cloaked wander is free to roam the skies of the internet at will, and an annoyingly cute tarutaru has been once again wandering the lands.

Oh joy. Oh rapture. Oh joyous rapture. And stuff.

Ya don't really know what yer missin 'til yer missin it, ya know?

Of course, now I got lots to do, and lots of work to catch up on. With no internet access, even looking at the computer at home made me irritable, and thus I didn't touch the durned thing for the duration of my little outage. Now, I have no excuse not to meet certain writing obligations I've not been meeting of late.

*looks meekly apologetic*

So, if I owe ya some writing stuffs, let it be known I no longer have an excuse. Please feel free to give me hell over it at any time. Now, please excuse me while I make sure my AIM is turned off. (j/k, j/k - I wouldn't do that. Not really. I don't have that here at work anyway... ^_- )

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