Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Just starting to get over a terrible heat wave over here. Last weekend it hit like 105ish. It was terribly miserable. Even Deb's little kitten was suffering.

So in an effort to escape the heat last weekend, we finally went to go see Pirates2. (Yes yes, I know it's been out for a while, and that I've been lax in keeping up with my movie-watching. I am cheap right now, trying to save my money for other, more important stuff.) Movie was great.

What wasn't great was some of the company.

Since I had to work on Saturday, Deb came to pick me up at the office, and we went from there directly to the movie theater. Because we got there so early, we were actually the first ones to line up for the next showing - we had to wait 30 min, but heck what did we care, we got to wait INSIDE, where it was air-conditioned. So we got snacks and drinks, then sat at the front of the line on a bench. All goodness so far. As time passes, more folks arrive, and queue up behind us, as directed by the attendant checking tickets.

Then comes the rude family.

The rude family consisted of a mother, a father, and a young boy. Loaded up with typical movie snacks, they look right at us, see the line, and rather than queue up, they elect to go over to the side and sit on a bench to wait. Wait just like the rest of us. But not as part of the line.

(the anarchists)

Then, the movie ends, and people start coming out of the theater. At this point, the rude family (yes, the entire family), get UP from their bench and go over to the theater, in FULL VIEW of all the people politely standing in line, and try to push their way INTO the theater as people from the previous showing are still streaming out.


Deb politely informed them that (in case they were blind and had NOT noticed) there WAS actually a line of people waiting to get in. Rude mother replies, "There's like 50-60 seats in there, it's not going to matter anyway, so who cares?"


Shortly thereafter, rude mother is distracted by someone she knows leaving the theater, and they strike up a conversation. As they chatter, rude father and rude son PUSH their way past the exiting people, presumably to get "prime seating" for the next showing. Which, again, there is a LINE for. And, after the conversation ends, rude mother goes to accompany her rude family.


Then, as the last few stragglers exit the theater, the cleaning crew goes in to clean up. And in doing so, they kick out said rude family OUT, and point out the line, which is now rather long and goes around the corner.

Seeing the eyes of everyone who had been patiently and politely waiting in line, rude mother for a moment makes as if to go to the back of the line. However, rude father adamantly refuses. They go to sit on the bench outside of the line again.

When the cleaning crew comes out tells the line to go on in, a few of them stay standing near the door. This prevents rude father from muscling his way in, so those of us who were actually in line start trouping in. I follow Deb, who sits in the middle of the middlish row.

...which, turns out, is apparently where rude father and son wanted to sit, as they were right next to us.

Fate is a funny thing sometimes... :P

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Feeling out of my depth of late. Possessed of a particular brand of emotion that teeters on the edge of madness, between the realms of sheer panic and pure exhilaration. Carrying a little portion of both, blending. Gentle yet unquiet waves crash against my soul.

Am I sane? Am I lost? Fallen?

If so, I don't know that I ever want to be found.

Let the tide carry me away.